User Training and Support for Virtual Data Rooms

Updated: Oct 09 ‘24 Published: Oct 09 ‘24 24 min read

Think about using your smartphone without knowing all its features. You would probably miss out on setting reminders, using maps, tracking your fitness goals, making video calls, or even ordering food with just a few taps. It’s frustrating, right?

The same goes for using virtual data rooms in daily business workflows and deal-making. If you don’t know how to use it properly, you might struggle to take advantage of all its helpful tools. That’s why user training is so important!

If you are going to implement virtual data rooms, read our post to find answers to the following questions:

  • What is the importance of user training in VDRs?
  • What are the risks of inadequate virtual data room training?
  • What are the most common challenges in user adoption of VDRs?
  • What are the best practices for effective user training?
  • What is the role of virtual data room providers in user training?
  • What are the best virtual data rooms in terms of user training and support?

Let’s dive in!

What is the importance of user training in VDRs?

With effective user training, teams can easily manage the platform and take full advantage of its functionality. Without it, even the most sophisticated solutions may be underutilized and cause inefficiencies, security risks, and user frustration.

So, here are some key benefits proving the importance of training in virtual data rooms:

1. Streamlining effective onboarding

Training ensures new users can quickly learn how to manage the platform and utilize its features effectively. It reduces the learning curve and allows teams to contribute to projects sooner. Besides, training establishes a consistent understanding of the platform across the team, which helps to minimize confusion and miscommunication.

2. Maximizing feature utilization

Virtual data rooms have multiple tools to improve workflows, document management, and collaboration. With effective training explaining the data room’s advanced features, users can get the most value from AI-driven analytics, redacting tools, automated workflows, etc.

3. Ensuring compliance with security protocols

A critical aspect of data room usage is data protection, specifically safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized access and breaches. Proper training ensures that teams understand and follow security protocols, such as setting up access controls, managing permissions, and identifying cyber threats.

In addition, proper user training reduces reliance on VDR support services, minimizes frustration, and increases user satisfaction. As a result, teams can work more independently, resolve issues faster, and use the platform to the fullest.

What are the risks of inadequate training?

A lack of education and support for users on how to effectively manage the platform carries the following risks:

1. Increased user error

Teams may make mistakes such as mismanaging files, improperly setting granular access permissions, or failing to restrict access for only authorized users. All this can compromise data integrity even within a secure data room and disrupt the entire deal process.

Data Breaches and Human Error

2. Ineffective data room usage

When users aren’t familiar with all software features, they may stick to basic functionality. It leads to missed opportunities and a poor return on investment.

3. Increased support needs

Inadequate training often results in users turning to customer support for basic functionality queries. As a result, companies experience increased support costs, delayed project timelines, and decreased productivity.

When choosing a solution, teams should consider that user training is essential for successful data room technology adoption and utilization. The more support and training resources online data rooms offer, the more benefits you will get from the platform.

What are the most common challenges in user adoption of VDRs?

The following challenges can impact team efficiency and security of business operations, including compliance and secure file-sharing:

1. User resistance to new technology

Employees may feel apprehensive about adopting a data room platform due to unfamiliarity with its interface or workflow. This hesitation can stem from past experiences with poorly implemented systems or fear of the unknown after using a physical data room. The longer users take to acclimate to the new system, the more likely they are to underutilize its features, which can limit virtual data room benefits.

Forbes recommends!

Forbes Technology Council shares the following tips for overcoming resistance to new tools:

✔️ Involve users early. Engage end users in planning and ensure they understand the purpose of the new tool.

✔️ Consider wider context. Understand departmental needs and collect feedback to address concerns about tool usage.

✔️ Reinforce the “Why”. Communicate the tool’s value regularly to ease skepticism among team members.

✔️ Understand avoidance reasons. Investigate why some team members resist change to find appropriate solutions.

✔️ Mentor “laggards”. Pair resistant users with tech-savvy mentors for support and encouragement.

✔️ Welcome feedback. Create feedback mechanisms for training customization and user experience improvement.

✔️ Provide hands-on training. Establish ongoing, practical training that emphasizes tool benefits.

2. Learning curves and insufficient knowledge

Users may struggle to understand how to manage the platform effectively, which causes frustration and disengagement. Insufficient training and resources often exacerbate this issue, making users feel not skilled enough to use advanced features. This unfamiliarity can result in underutilization and less return on investment.

The most vulnerable users are those who:

  • Lack technical experience. Individuals who used only physical data rooms or those with minimal experience using similar online technologies may find adapting to a virtual data room challenging.
  • Are new to the organization. New employees may struggle more than their experienced counterparts, as they are still familiarizing themselves with the organization’s workflows.
  • Work in non-technical roles. Users in roles that don’t typically involve technology may feel less confident when managing a complex platform.

👁️‍🗨️ Explore how virtual data rooms surpass traditional data rooms in security, convenience, and collaboration.

3. Time and resource constraints for training

Busy schedules and competing priorities can make developing and delivering high-quality training difficult, leaving users with minimal guidance. Thus, organizations risk creating an environment where users feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and unprepared.

👁️‍🗨️ How can companies support their teams?

  • Offer on-demand training modules or video tutorials
  • Break down training into short, focused sessions that cover specific topics or features
  • Ensure training resources are accessible on mobile devices
  • Set aside specific time slots for training sessions
  • Create internal forums or chat groups where employees can share tips, ask questions, and support one another

All challenges need effective solutions. So, we invite you to explore the best strategies from our experts!

What are the best practices for effective user training?

Here are some helpful VDR user adoption strategies from our experts for a smooth transition to virtual data rooms:

1. Assess user needs

Conduct a needs analysis to identify the specific skills and knowledge gaps among users. Understand their roles and how they will interact with a data room to tailor training programs accordingly.

📝 Quick questionnaire for future data room users

Ask your team members to answer the following questions to understand their needs, expectations, and potential challenges.

1. How familiar are you with virtual data rooms?

(Options: Never used, Limited familiarity, Moderate familiarity, Very familiar)

2. What specific tasks do you expect to perform within a data room?

(Options: Uploading documents, Reviewing files, Redacting sensitive information, Managing user permissions, Running reports, Other)

3. What challenges do you anticipate when using a data room?


4. Which features of a data room platform do you think will be most critical for your future role?

(Options: Document version control, User access management, Audit trails, Advanced search, AI-driven tools, Redaction tools, Managing multiple projects with VDR, Other)

5. What skills or knowledge do you expect to develop when using a data room?


6. How frequently do you expect to interact with a data room in your role?

(Options: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Occasionally, Not sure yet)

7. Which areas of data room management would you like training or support on?

(Options: Document management, Security settings, Analytics and reporting, Workflow automation, User permissions, Other)

8. Do you need a data room app for your business needs?

(Options: Yes, No, Unsure)

9. Are there any industry-specific regulations or compliance requirements you need to be aware of when using a data room in the future?


10. What type of training or resources would you prefer for learning to use a virtual data room?

(Options: Hands-on practice, Step-by-step tutorials, Video tutorials, Documentation, All of the above)

2. Use the provider’s training materials

Study user manuals, video tutorials, and quick reference guides. Ensure everyone from your team has all the necessary information to navigate a virtual data room.

3. Conduct hands-on training

Incorporate interactive learning sessions that allow users to engage with a virtual data room in real-time. Hands-on training supports overall learning management and builds user confidence.

4. Try different learning styles

Provide various instructional methods, such as in-person workshops, e-learning modules, and recorded webinars, to accommodate various learning styles.

5. Implement a train-the-trainer program

Identify key users within the organization who can be internal trainers. This approach helps create a support network and ensures ongoing knowledge transfer.

6. Focus on security

Ensure training includes a strong emphasis on security practices. Otherwise, users may inadvertently expose sensitive information or violate compliance regulations.

7. Encourage Q&A sessions

Allocate time for users to ask questions during training. It promotes an open dialogue, clarifies doubts, and helps strengthen knowledge about the platform.

8. Use real-life scenarios

Incorporate case studies and scenarios relevant to users’ tasks to demonstrate how to use virtual data rooms effectively. This contextual learning improves relevance and user engagement.

9. Provide ongoing support and resources

Offer continuous learning and support through help desks, user forums, and additional resources even after initial training. With it, users can seek help and stay updated on any platform changes.

10. Schedule regular refresher courses

Plan periodic training sessions or refreshers to update users on new features, security measures, and best practices as the platform evolves.

Next, we discuss how virtual data room providers help business teams with successful onboarding.

What is the role of virtual data room providers in user training?

Modern virtual data rooms offer various training resources and support options to help users navigate the system confidently. These resources typically include the following:

  • User manuals and documentation. Most virtual data rooms offer comprehensive user manuals covering the platform’s features and settings. These guides are often broken down into specific tasks, making it easy for users to find the information they need without hassle.
  • Video tutorials. These videos provide step-by-step instructions on using data room tools and features and offer a more visual and engaging learning experience.
  • Live training sessions. Many providers host live training sessions for teams or individual users. They are highly interactive and allow participants to ask questions in real-time. Live sessions are good for new users as they help overcome initial learning curves faster.
  • Dedicated support teams. Data room experts offer personalized assistance, often via phone, email, or chat. With this support, users can resolve issues quickly and minimize workflow disruptions.

If you ask whether all data room services offer these user training options, the answer is no. Some may offer only basic documentation or limited customer service hours. Therefore, you should evaluate virtual data rooms support options when choosing a provider.

Our analysis shows that iDeals stands out as a top choice in this regard. They offer multiple support resources, including detailed user manuals, interactive video tutorials, and live training sessions. Additionally, iDeals provides a dedicated support team available 24/7.

What are the best virtual data rooms in terms of user training and support?

To help you choose, we have prepared a comparison table of VDR providers’ support services, outlining the resources each one offers for training and technical assistance.

Provider User support services Free trial
1. iDeals

🔸 Onsite and online training sessions for your team

🔸 Data room customization

🔸 Documents preparation

🔸 Data room structure and document upload support

🔸 User management

🔸 Unlimited expert support

🔸 Help Center (with support documentation, FAQs, and video tutorials)

🔸 30 sec response time

🔸 24/7/365 availability

🔸 30 days

2. Intralinks

🔸 VDR setup

🔸 Customer service managers

🔸 Multilingual end-user support

🔸 Knowledge base

🔸 After-hours support

🔸 No

3. Firmex

🔸 Unlimited training based on user group or topic

🔸 Knowledge base (online tutorials, videos, and how-to guides)

🔸 GDPR compliant support services

🔸 24/7/365 availability

🔸 14 days

All these providers offer excellent user training and support, but iDeals stands out with a longer free trial compared to Firmex data room. Still, you should explore each platform’s security, features, and pricing to find the best fit.

👁️‍🗨️ Learn how to choose a data room plan and ensure you get the best value for your business needs.


User training effectiveness is key to maximizing the value of virtual data rooms. Therefore, selecting VDR providers with strong support and onboarding assistance and support can enhance user adoption and all the benefits of virtual data rooms.


Why is user training important for virtual data rooms?

User training ensures effective use of virtual data room features, strengthens data security, and helps users comply with industry regulations. This way, businesses minimize errors, protect sensitive data, and maximize the platform’s benefits.

What support services should a VDR provider offer?

A virtual data room provider should offer 24/7 customer support, onboarding and training, technical assistance, data migration, and document management help.


Marketing specialist at

Elisa is a marketing specialist with 15 years of experience. She worked for many VDR brands and gained insider knowledge of the industry.

At, Elisa conducts marketing research, develops content plans, supervises content teams, and develops VDR review methodology. She envisions her mission as distributing accurate knowledge of virtual data rooms.

“My mission is to deliver accurate and relevant knowledge of virtual data rooms to as many people as possible.”

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